Conference 2003

Conference 2003 was very successfully held in Auckland 9–11 December.
Presentations included:

  • Russell Fairbrother on behalf of George Hawkins, Minister of Internal Affairs.
  • Sergeant Mike Beale – N.Z. Police, on the Fire Service’s role in dealing with clandestine drug labs particularly those manufacturing methamphetamine. Mike noted the very significant increase in the number of these labs being detected. He emphasized the dangers involved, considering the type and storage of the various chemicals involved.
  • Mike Hall, who spoke on the Review of the Fire Service presently underway with an expected outcome of a Fire Service Bill for next year.
  • Innotech – This was an Australian Company developing high-tech equipment for firefighters. The presentation covered two products:
    1. Guardian Communications - This is a radio system able to be connected either directly to a helmet, or to a B.A. face mask.
    2. Guardian Incident Control Unit - This is a computerized Incident Control System that allows rapid communication of Incident Ground Information.

As well as the usual matters considered (e.g. Protective Clothing, Occupational Health & Safety), a matter of concern raised by Delegates was the operation of the Fire Service
Claims Management Unit, arising out of the A.C.C. Partnership Programme.

Conference resolved:

“That if problems being experienced with the Claims Management Unit are not properly addressed, the Union reconsider its support of the Partnership Programme”.

Local Secretaries are presently collecting full details of these problems. If you are a person who has experienced problems with the Claims Unit, please get that information
to your Local Secretary as soon as possible.

As advised in previous newsletters, if you have any concerns at all at the way the Claims Unit is dealing with your case (if you have had a work related accident), make sure you
contact the Union before agreeing to anything.

Physical Competency Assessment

Practice sessions for the P.C.A. are now up and running in many localities. Some loalities have commenced the actual assessment.

It is agreed that two formal training sessions are to be provided and the assessment tself undertaken with 3 months notice from the date of the initial training session.

The Union strongly recommends to members that members complete these two training sessions.

The Union has had some discussion with the Fire Service about the 2003/2004 payment, and it is likely that this will happen early in the New Year.

If members have any alternative proposals or suggestions, the Union would be pleased to hear them.

The Union offices will be closed over the Christmas/New Year period. If members have any queries during this time, please contact your Local Secretary or one of the Union


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