Further to Newsletter No. 5 – 14 February 2012.

The Union e‐mailed Janine Hearn (copied to Paul Baxter) on 13 February 2012 and asked ‐

What the Commission’s offer is if there is no guaranteed change to Hours of Work/Flexibility?

A reply to this question was received on 24 February 2012 and states:

The New Zealand Fire Service has no new offer to table for a settlement that does not incorporate any change in relation to the more flexible rostering of relieving staff. All previous offers without change tabled by the NZFS have been rejected by the NZPFU.

Looking back through the Union’s notes of the various bargaining meetings, the employer did propose a settlement of $750 lump sum and a 0.75% increase in wages and allowances from 1 January 2012 if there was no introduction of Flexibility.

This was rejected by the Union’s Bargaining Team.

In any event, Janine Hearn’s e‐mail is clear in that now there is no offer to settle if there is no change in relation to more flexible rostering of relieving staff.

So, unless you accept more flexible rostering of relieving staff, the employer is saying you will get nothing.

A stark choice – which the Union’s Bargaining Team/Committee intend to meet face to face to discuss next week.

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