Christchurch Rebuild

Members may be surprised to hear that some 7.5 years after the Christchurch Earthquake Firefighters in Christchurch are still operating out of so called ‘temporary’ accommodation.

Some members have spent their entire career operating out of ‘temporary’ accommodation.

Some Stations have been rebuilt, however Christchurch City Station remains in a damaged condition.

Christchurch’s City Station is essentially to be knocked down and rebuilt. In the interim an alternative site is needed to house the Firefighters and Appliances.

Members might expect, that given the fact that the City Station needs replacing has been known for over 7 years some proper preplanning for the interim resiting could have properly happened.
However – No.

Consequently the Union strongly supports the Christchurch Locals positon that proper consultation needs to happen before an interim temporary Station is chosen.

The consultation needs to be about an operational Fire Station relocation. This is the key to acceptability and sustainability of a temporary fix.

The Christchurch Local have been presented with only one option.

Any temporary fix must allow appliances to be housed in doors, accommodation must include external windows, gym space, dirty/clean areas, and adequate mess and ablution facilities.

Local Union Officials have been offered a viewing of the one option Management have chosen but apparently it has no external windows and cannot house appliances. Whether it meets any other criteria – who knows?

Not so long ago (about 4 years ago) Christchurch Firefighters through the Christchurch Local sought support to advance the rebuild process. As a consequence the temporary Port–a-Cabins which leaked and suffered from condensation were remediated.

The Union understands that the interim temporary fix for the replacement of Christchurch City Station will be needed for many months. At the very least any interim position must accommodate the key minimum requirements as detailed above.

The Christchurch Local have sought a meeting of all parties to address their concerns, but have had no response – totally unacceptable.

The Union will deal with the Chief Executive – but in the meantime any support you can give will be welcome.

Emails to Christchurch Local to the Chief Executive and/or National Commander.

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