Members attention is brought to the notice below from FENZ payroll whereby the texting of pay information to members will cease from early February. Members will still be able to access their pay information via Home Base.

The Union were consulted and we agree with the reasoning for the change in the way members will access their pay details.

Fire and Emergency NZ has recently undertaken an external security risk assessment which highlighted security issues in the current practice of pay information being sent by text notification and advised against this practice.As a result of this assessment, Fire and Emergency NZ have reviewed and refined their systems to reduce this risk, but also make it easier for you to view pay information.

You can now access Home Base, your Fire and Emergency NZ self-service kiosk from your work computer or personal device. This will make it easier for you to access all your payroll information, anytime anywhere.This will replace the text notifications that paid personnel currently receive.

From early February, there will be no more text notifications of personal pay information.

The benefits to you include:

More detailed pay information Home Base provides a greater level of detail about payments and deductions including:

  • additional payments received, such as overtime and the dates it relates to
  • details of all deductions including tax, KiwiSaver and pensions
  • the ability to print payslips if your personal device is connected to a printer.

Better security – Your privacy is important to us, and to the organisation. By accessing pay details through Home Base, your personal information is protected.

You will be sent reminders of this change via text messages encouraging you to check Home Base when your pay has been processed.

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