Members will be aware that a text alert detailing the Union’s concerns regarding this matter with respect to Area Notice RI-WAI-032/2017 Waitemata Area was distributed on 2 March 2017.

The Union is extremely disappointed that Management is suggesting that there was consultation over the change in procedure and consequently the ability for members to claim their payment entitlement.

There was no consultation in any meaningful way whatsoever.The scenario whereby Assistant Area Manager Mackereth has a phone call with a Union Official and advises him of his intention to distribute an Area Notice, falls well short of consultation in any form.It is unacceptable that a decision is made to take a particular course of action, the Union is advised and then this is deemed as consultation – it is not.

The Union has been advised that as a consequence of these actions there may well be members who, prior to 2 March, have not been paid their entitlement when they have booked off duty.

Any member who feels that this may well be the case for them individually, should contact the Union immediately with their concerns.

The payment for this type of absence is a statutory requirement with regards to the Holidays Act and is well above the entitlements contained within the contract of employment as a minimum.Employers are not allowed to opt out of making payments for entitlements, as and when it suits them.

The advice to members remains the same with respect to booking off duty, which is as follows:

If a member is required to book off duty, you should contact your normal Station OIC, as has been the longstanding custom and practice in this regard. There is no need for a member to contact the Area Executive.

If Area Executives have any concerns or issues regarding the legitimacy of a member booking off duty, then it is incumbent on that Executive Officer to contact the individual, not the other way round.

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