The NZPFU has become aware of FENZ offering “free personality assessments” from one of their “Partners” who are reportedly “introducing new psychology tools to the market”. The invitation is actually to take place in research and be part of data collection.
The invitation includes attending a webinar which would include discussion on whether you can change your personality.
The information provided to members in the offer does not provide any background information on the company, the methodology of the data collection, the legitimacy of the research or how the information will be collected, used or stored, and nothing about confidentiality or privacy of personal information.
The NZPFU advises members it is not in your interests to participate in this “Personality Assessment Opportunity” as we have no current information confirming the legitimacy of the company and alleged research and no information at all on any protections of your confidential information.
The NZPFU supports genuine research and support that assists our members with mental health and wellness but on the very limited information provided this does not appear to be a programme we would support.
It is very disappointing that FENZ has yet to embrace the concept of providing the necessary information to the NZPFU and meeting with us to discuss the necessary protections for our members and instead continues to bypass the union emailing members directly with an offer such as this one.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary