The NZPFU will be sending out invites to Locals for a Zoom meeting next week to provide an update on bargaining.
There have been eight bargaining sessions with the next session to be held in Christchurch this week. We have one more agreed session for the 8th and 9th April.
For the NZPFU team, the lack of knowledge for some sections of the bargaining has been particularly disappointing and impacted on the quality of discussions as some around the table have very little understanding of the collective and the context of the issues being raised.
In the 2021 -2022 bargaining the FENZ team included the DCE People, DCE Finance and the head of training. The FENZ bargaining team this time has been downgraded with no DCE representative, no finance representative, no training representative. The FENZ team consists of Workplace Relations Manager Michael Stevenson, Regional Manager Ron Devlin (who was on the last bargaining team), District Managers Wipari Henwood and Dave Stackhouse, National Manager Communications Centres Gavin Traverse and various Workplace Relations and HR advisors.
FENZ has refused to provide the financial information that was critical to the ability to reach settlement last time. We are currently bargaining in a void without the necessary information on FENZ’s proposed envelope.
We asked for relevant management to attend meetings to engage in the presentation of the claims but this was refused. Michael Stevenson’s process has been to provide relevant managers just with NZPFU’s written claims which of course does not provide the context or discussion. For example, the NZPFU asked for the heads of training to attend the session where the training representatives presented the NZPFU claims. Last time the relevant managers attended for the sessions relevant to their areas of responsibility. Michael Stevenson has prevented that occurring this time which we are concerned is an indication of lack of genuine engagement on the issues.
FENZ has indicated it is likely to provide an offer to the NZPFU bargaining team in April.
FENZ has directly notified employees of a new HR and payroll system “Te Tomokanga” inviting engagement through user reference groups.
FENZ has a claim in bargaining to change the way in which wages are paid claiming the current and new payroll systems cannot comply with the Holidays Act provisions without changes. The NZPFU is not convinced compliance is not achievable without changes to the way in which our members are paid. The NZPFU has requested FENZ arrange a meeting with each party’s lawyers to discuss the alleged compliance issue, and dependent on our advice will then work through what changes are to be made.
The NZPFU has not had any involvement or been consulted on any other changes that may be necessary as a result of the change in payroll and HR systems. FENZ has not notified the NZPFU of any or its intention to have “user groups” during the “build and implementation phase”.
The NZPFU advises members to notify FENZ to discuss the changes and purpose of the reference groups directly with the NZPFU. If there is merit in proposed reference groups, and the scope of work does not impinge on terms and conditions of employment, we will seek relevant representatives from within our membership to participate.
The NZPFU represents approximately 80 percent of all those employed by FENZ. The NZPFU is the primary representative of any “user” of the payroll and HR systems, including those that input or have sign-off authorities in those systems.
For those covered by the collective employment agreement FENZ is required to consult on any changes that affect the operation or application of the collective agreement. If changes impact in any way on terms and conditions of employment those changes must be agreed with the Union.
FENZ has repeatedly breached the obligations of good faith generally and in bargaining. The People and Workplace Relations branches in particular continue to disrespect the members of the NZPFU and their right of representation. Given these two departments are critical to the bargaining, their behaviours are having an impact on the progress of bargaining.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary