Attached are the Terms of Settlement arising out of Bargaining. The Terms will be put to members for Ratification shortly.

The National Committee have unanimously endorsed the Terms and recommend them to members for Ratification.

The Terms of Settlement cover a wide range of issues – it has been a long time since so many issues have been able to be addressed. As much as anything, this is a consequence of the agreed linkage for pay fixing that allows more time for wider issues to be addressed.


The Settlement reflects that many things are presently in a state of flux. Particularly regarding the Target Operating Model.

The Settlement reflects this by explicitly providing that the environment of change means there may be a need to be a variation to the Collective Agreement during its term. Any variation must be agreed between the parties. Specifically addressed are:

  • New Job Sizing – Within 18 months
  • New Function and Roles.
  • Peer Groups for Market Date to be reviewed.


The market rate review gave the parties figures (for SO and SFF) of around 1% or less. After Bargaining on this information the outcome is to increase pay rates and allowances by 2.5% from the expiry of the CA – that is backdated to 1 July 2018.

The graphs attached clearly demonstrate what the linkage to market rate has delivered.

Prior to 2012 wage movement was linked very closely to CPI and the Labour Cost Index. Since 2012 (since the new linkage) Firefighters wages have departed markedly from CPI and Labour Cost Index.Members were right to accept this linkage.

The Union is aware of comments regarding Nurses and Teachers. What members need to consider is:

  • They don’t have anything yet.
  • Will there be backdating of any increase?
  • Firefighters received increases over the past 6 years that these groups are now attempting to get.
  • If these and other groups get significant increases, that will be picked up in future market data.
  • A significant part of Unions concerns relate to minimum staffing levels – Firefighters have had Minimum Staffing Levels (MSM) for many years.

Most of the Terms of Settlement speak for themselves. However specifically highlights include:

  1. Establishment of a joint Task Force to address Auckland staffing issues (i.e. recruitment and retention). This will be Auckland based and will include Senior Leaders from both parties.This is significant breakthrough.
  2. Over and above the Auckland consideration other localities have challenges and these will be addressed.
  3. Engagement Forums – To continue to provide for consultation with the Union a proper consideration of Union concerns.
  4. Establishment of a Committee to interpret Policy application
  5. Removal of ‘Emergency’ in Sickness at Home provisions.
  6. Implement Paid Parental Leave provision.
  7. Clarification of the Training Volunteers provision.
  8. IFE Allowance to be referred to an independent adjudicator.
  9. Holidays Act – changes to comply with the Law.
  10. A number of changes specific to Com Centres.

The National Committee believes that all in all the Terms of Settlement is very satisfactory. A significant number of issues have been addressed and if not a process has been agreed that will address issues – For example the Task Force to look at Auckland Issues. This is a first and it is up to us to make sure that progress is made.

The Committee unanimously recommend the Settlement for Ratification.

Ratification meetings are currently being organised and it is the Committee’s intention to have these completed by the end of August 2018.


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