National Vice Presidential Ballots will shortly be distributed to all Stations throughout Areas Three, Four and Five.
There are three candidates to choose from on the ballot papers, Joe Stanley, Mike Powell and Graeme Gilroy. Strike out the names of those candidates you
do NOT want to be Vice President, leaving just the name of the person you DO want to be elected.
Members are strongly encouraged to exercise their democratic right and choose the person they feel will best represent them in the position of Vice President.
Examples of attributes exhibited by such a candidate might be forward thinking, open minded, strong willed, vision for the future, leadership qualities
and skilled in change management.
If you require any assistance with the voting process do not hesitate to ask for the assistance of the Returning Officer or one of your Local Area Committee
members, who will be happy to assist.
Members can go to the NZPFU website if they wish to view the candidates’ biographies.