LMR Upgrade

The Local finds it disturbing that Fire Service Senior Management should introduce equipment on to front line appliances after the same equipment was overwhelmingly rejected by members after trials in the Auckland Fire Brigade. It was found that the LMR units were very difficult to use because the ½ second pressure requirement and the movement of the vehicle caused numerous false status signals to be sent. It was explained to Management that the units were not user friendly and should be removed from the vehicles they were fitted to for the trial. This request was granted, and the units were removed. It is unfortunate to see that after about a year, they have reappeared.

Appliance Colour Scheme

The Local is also disappointed, but not surprised, that after a survey was conducted which overwhelmingly rejected the proposed blue and red colour scheme proposed by the CEO/NC, that he, in his arrogant manner, should continue to impose his own ideas and absolutely ignore the safety of his own staff.

It has been proven by numerous scientific tests that blue and red are the most difficult colours to see, particularly in bad light situations, and the Local is concerned that should this ridiculous colour scheme be introduced to all NZFS vehicles, the incidence of vehicle crashes will increase with the corresponding danger of an increase in injuries or even death, to our members.

The Auckland Local would urge our leader to reconsider this ill advised colour change and prevent any greater danger to his staff.

Operational Reviews

After the farce of the Kahika Road Review, and Management’s alteration of the findings of that review, members are urged to be very careful when approached to participate in an Operational Review Team. It is requested that members clear any involvement with a review with the Local Secretary before committing to participate, for their own protection. If they are involved, they should keep a copy of the draft review and forward the same to the Union Office.

The Local is becoming more and more concerned at the growing arrogance of the NZFS Senior Management, who think they can ride roughshod over their very committed staff.
They seem to think that their “right to manage” gives them the right to manage incompetently. We can assure them this is not the case, and we will oppose any management decision that we think is stupid or incompetent.

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Annual General Meeting

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.


Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Election of Northcom Representative - Auckland Local Committee

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Northcom Representative – Auckland Local Committee, the following nomination has been received.