The Auckland Local Committee met yesterday with Sulu and John to discuss the proposal from the National Committee. This proposal was an outcome of Friday’s meeting that the Local had in Wellington with the National Committee.

The proposal was not met favourably and it is expected that a counter offer will be presented back to the National Committee for their consideration.

Sulu and John were also asked for input on an independent panel, its composition, and any binding terms of settlement, which they will go away to discuss, and advise the Local.

The Auckland Local Committee will shortly call a Special Meeting of all members to discuss this matter in an open and honest forum, with the time, date and location to be finalised shortly.

In a separate meeting, the Auckland Local also had a chance to sit down with Region One Manager Kerry Gregory, Area Managers Twomey, Purcell, and O’Donoghue, AAM Woon and H.R Representatives as part of an engagement meeting. This was the first of these such meetings since the ratification, the purpose being to hopefully address any issues or concerns before they get a chance to escalate.

It is hoped that with regular interaction with FENZ Senior leadership, members’ concerns and issues can be brought to the table in an open and productive format, the goal being that through constructive engagement, positive working relationships can be maintained.

If anyone has any queries regarding either of these meetings, please don’t hesitate to contact one of the Local Committee members. 

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Please read to the end.