There are various inquiries established to look into the recent extreme weather events and the response by FENZ including FENZ reviews, Worksafe investigations and Coroners inquests.
The NZPFU is advising members to first seeking advice before providing any information or statement, written or verbal to FENZ or any external organisation. Due to the cross-over of various inquiries there is a concern that statements made in one context may be used for another purpose, or parts used without the knowledge or control of the individual.
We have seen in the past where the employee is not transparent on the conflict of the interest that arises when the interests of the organisation differs from the perspective of the employee and as a result the employee has felt attacked or unsupported in various inquiries.
It is important that the correct information providing a substantial response to the many issues that arose prior to, during and post these extreme weather events are provided to the relevant forum and that the account of the individuals is provided true to their recollection. Often these inquiries are a vehicle to effect change where procedure, training, equipment and resourcing has been lacking.
All members approached by FENZ or external organisations to provide information or statements are advised to first seek advice through the NZPFU.
In addition the NZPFU will be providing a substantive submission for the various FENZ inquiries and may also participate in the external inquiries where relevant. We will be working with the relevant Locals to ensure we cover all issues from the various regions and members are encouraged to approach their Local if they have information or a perspective on events that they would want considered in the NZPFU submission.
In unity,
Wattie Watson
National Secretary