Today the NZPFU, Auckland Local and Sulu Devoe and John Waldow resolved all outstanding matters in a full and final confidential settlement which included the following agreed statement which is the only statement to be made in this matter:

The matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties. The path to resolution included:

  • The development of the NZPFU Charter which has been agreed by all Locals, National Committee and National Council. The NZPFU Charter sets out the manner in which we will communicate and work within the union structure. It is now a requirement that any nominees for an elected position will be required to agree to the Charter before their nomination is accepted.
  • The development of a constructive relationship with the Auckland Local and members which is focused on the interests of the membership.
  • That all parties have recognised the hurt and humiliation that resulted from the circumstances and the expulsions. Simply we all could have dealt with the issues and circumstances better.
  • The settlement includes the reinstatement of Mr Devoe and Mr Waldow to the membership of the NZPFU;
  • The settlement is full and final settlement of all matters relating to the background, circumstances and expulsions and costs and includes an agreement to only provide this public statement.

In unity, 
Wattie Watson 
National Secretary

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