The NZPFU has provided all necessary information to FENZ for the reimbursement of the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums paid directly to the NZPFU insurance account between 1 July 2023 and 3 June 2024 (when FENZ commenced direct payment to Protect).  Members in the NZPFU Protect Income Protection scheme do not need to do anything further.  We are waiting for FENZ to confirm when the reimbursement will be made to the bank account you receive your wages.


The NZPFU and FENZ were supposed to be bargaining today and yesterday but spent the time negotiating terms of a Bargaining Process Agreement. The parties had met in mediation on Friday to try and settle the BPA and kept working on outstanding issues this week.

Last night at approximately 6pm the parties had worked through almost all issues. The Union recorded and read out to the parties the three issues of work that was to be done by FENZ overnight for completion today which was agreed by everyone in the room. FENZ did not state they had other issues to revisit.

Important updates for members on Code of Conduct, Kiwisaver deductions and overtime on public holidays remuneration, Bargaining and Annual General Meetings.

Due to the resignation of the Whangarei Local Vice President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


On Tuesday FENZ Workplace Relations Manager Michael Stevenson informed the NZPFU that FENZ had self-reported to IRD its failure to pay the 3% compulsory contribution to employees who have Kiwisaver and other non-complying superannuation scheme such as FireSuper. FENZ had been paying the employer contribution into FireSuper but not the compulsory contribution to the Kiwi Saver Account. We were informed 592 NZPFU members were affected and for all affected staff about $8-$10 million was owing over four years.

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.

Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

The NZPFU membership extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of NZPFU Past President Gordon Duncan who passed away this morning.

Gordon's funeral will be held 11am Thursday 6th June at Kapiti Coast Funeral Home, 9 Hinemoa Street, Paraparaumu.

We again refer members to the NZPFU National Notice issued on the 30th October 2023 which is repeated below.

We have since had questions about FENZ lawyer’s seeking support for FENZ cases being litigated.

Members cannot be compelled to be a witness for FENZ or to support a FENZ in any litigation,  except in the unlikely event you are summonsed. If members receive a summons or are informed they will be summonsed,  members are advised to contact the NZPFU and we will ensure you have the appropriate legal advice. 


Without any discussion or consultation with the Union and the individuals concerned, FENZ has unilaterally decided to advertise VSO roles that FENZ characterises incumbent’s as secondees. There has been no discussion with the NZPFU as to the reason or purpose for the change, or the appointment process.

From 3 June 2024 FENZ will pay the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums direct for NZPFU members whose substantive positions are covered by the collective employment agreement. Protect rep (Gary Robb) is coming over to ensure FENZ is ready for the changeover. We are taking this opportunity to hold 3 information sessions; these can be joined in person or via Teams.

The NZPFU has initiated bargaining in accordance with the requirements of the Employment Relations Act 2020. The current collective agreement expires 30 June 2024 but remains in force.

Nominations are hereby called for a Northcom Union Member to be nominated and elected to the Auckland Local Committee, in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.  Only Northcom Union Members are eligible to stand and vote for this position and once a member is elected, Northcom members, in future elections, will only be able to vote for this position and not other Union Committee positions, although Northcom Members can stand and vote for President, Vice President and Secretary in the normal election cycle.

Loafers Lodge Anniversary and criminal trial update

The NZPFU has been in discussions with FENZ management to ensure our members are supported and appropriately assisted through the upcoming Loafers Lodge Anniversary and the criminal trial. Below are the issues we have discussed. If there are other issues members are facing or individual circumstances they can also be accommodated on a case by case basis. We are confident that FENZ is focused on the wellbeing of our members and to ensure our members are appropriately released and supported through the criminal trial.  

FENZ has finally agreed to update the list of positions able to access FireSuper membership to now include the CRR and RR Advisors/Senior Advisor positions.

Due to the recent resignation of the Rotorua Local President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


Nominations are called for:

The position of Union President

The position of Union Vice President


The NZPFU is urging members who participated in the 2023 Whanaungatanga Wellness Survey to make sure they participate in the follow-up survey which closes at 11.59pm tonight.

Due to the recent resignation of the Rotorua Local President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


FENZ is in the process of changing its complaint process to replace the BCO (Behaviour and Conduct Office). This is separate to the code of conduct that the NZPFU is challenging and will keep members updated.

FENZ has confirmed that the PCA allowance will be paid on 26 June 2024.

Last Friday (15th March 2024) NZPFU Tauranga and Kawerau Local Secretaries and Presidents and I met with National Commander Russell Woods, District Manager Jeff Maunder and Workplace Relations Senior Advisor Mike Todd in Tauranga.

Movember-funded Whanaungatanga Wellbeing Survey

The second of the Movember-funded wellbeing survey is well underway and due to be closed on 2 April 2024.

The NZPFU urges all members who participated in the March 2023 survey to participate in the March 2024 survey.

The Auckland Local has been working on behalf of members since mid-January to resolve the issue of legitimate travel time payments declined while attending training courses throughout Tāmaki Makaurau and at the Auckland Regional Training Centre.

Movember-funded Whanaungatanga Wellbeing Survey

The second of the Movember-funded wellbeing survey opens today.

The NZPFU urges all members who participated in the March 2023 survey to participate in the March 2024 survey.   

The Auckland Local Committee would like to remind Officers and Firefighters of the challenging work environment for our Comcen staff.

We refer Members to the 12th February 2024 notice where we notified members it was not in their interests to respond to the new Code of Conduct.


Members are advised that during a 5th alarm response in Auckland a serious near miss occurred while deploying lengths of 90mm Fireflex stainless banded hose from the hose layer. Lengths of the hose failed with the coupling coming off under pressure leaving the hose flailing about.

On Thursday afternoon FENZ verbally informed the NZPFU that a new code of conduct would be distributed organisation wide today for feedback. The NZPFU immediately objected on the basis that the  code of conduct sets out the standards on which disciplinary action including dismissal can be determined. The security of employment and income is one of the most basic and serious terms of employment for employees.  

As members will be aware, there have been significant delays and challenges in getting the appropriate systems in place or updated to accurately reflect the changes resulted from the collective bargaining settled in December 2022.