Major Fire Causes Widespread Disruption to Auckland Fleet

Members will no doubt be aware of Wednesday's major fire in a scrapyard in Papakura. Whilst the cause of this fire is still under investigation what is known is that the impacts of it were widespread right across Auckland.

We have been told that staff wanting to do Return to Work Duties will have to do them at District HQ and they do not intend to reimburse your travel costs, “you are getting an enhanced pay and you can fund your own travel”. We have since got an agreement that the travel distance reimbursement will be paid for travel to District HQ.


The NZPFU has been notified that Stations and Districts are being asked to provide information on the numbers of those that use the gyms, safety standards and rating on equipment on gear not supplied by FENZ and any concerns or observations.

You need to know that FENZ is refusing to reimburse travel time, to the Auckland Region Training Centre, at the increased rate all other travel has been paid since March 2021.

Meri Kirihimete

As 2024 draws to a close and the festive season ramps up, we wish you all a safe and happy festive season.

This is a great time to thank all those that work hard for the interests of our members.  


The New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union (NZPFU) are aware that some members are being contacted by Fair Way or a law firm to participate in interviews or provide information. We want to remind you that you cannot be compelled to participate in any interview or process.

I apologise that my first notice as the National President of the NZPFU has taken so long to come out. Since taking on our new roles as the President and Vice President, Marty and I have had to 'hit the ground running'.

Paul Shepherd (Shep) honoured at NTC

It was an honour to attend and listen to the yarns and accolades for Paul Shepherd at his retirement function at NTC today.


Retired Dunedin firefighter Kevin Reid died late last week.

Immediate past President Ian Wright awarded Honorary Life Membership

The Timaru Local were fantastic hosts for the NZPFU Annual conference held this week. Not only did they put on great weather but didn’t miss a beat with the welcome packs, venue, catering, events and organised events including the mystery day trip for the delegate’s partners.

Today MBIE has released a shameful discussion document proposing only to add firefighting in relation to bladder cancer and mesothelioma into the Schedule 2 Occupational Diseases of the Accident Compensation Act 2001.  Mesothelioma and bladder cancer are already listed in the schedule.

Members should be aware that District Manager Mackereth has unilaterally made the decision to remove the Hazmat Command Appliance from immediate response to confirmed structure fire incidents for incidents in Auckland City Central Fire District.


First Union Ambulance Officer members are seeking your support for their campaign for the Government to fully fund ambulance services.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rules Northern Branch members are informed that an election for the Northern Branch Secretary will be held electronically.

Following the close of nominations for the election of the Northern Branch position of Branch Secretary, I had received three nominations.


The NZPFU has filed an application in the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) challenging FENZ’s right to impose the Code of Conduct on NZPFU members and challenging the content of that Code.

As the National Council members toured the AGMs over the past few weeks the issue of the calculation of the kiwisaver deductions and relevant taxes was raised by those who have been contribution to a complying Kiwisaver scheme as well as a non-compliant Superannuation Scheme such as FireSuper.


FENZ is consistently refusing to consult the NZPFU in accordance with the NZPFU collective employment agreement. The NZPFU collective agreement requires FENZ to consult on whether change should occur, not just the content of the proposed change and they must provide the reasoning behind the change and be motivated by a desire to reach consensus.

Members may be aware that the Local has raised a dispute around the way FENZ’s wants to transition Papakura Station to a Senior Station Officer Station.   This proposal would directly impact 10 personnel and indirectly impact over 120.

Due to the Northern Branch Secretary position becoming vacant as Martin Campbell has now been elected as National Vice President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

We refer members to the Notice to Members published on 28 January 2024 regarding Blood Screening Programme for NZPFU Members - Firefighters, Trainers and Fire Investigators.

Last week the NZPFU provided the advice received from our lawyer regarding the options FENZ has put to 592 members who have been contributing to complying Kiwisaver schemes as well as other non-complying compulsory schemes such as Fire Super.


The Bargaining Process Agreement (BPA) is supposed to set out agreements on how the parties will conduct the bargaining but FENZ refused to agree to include a clause that would prevent the harm FENZ caused in the last round through their anti-NZPFU membership tactics of sending offers, their analysis of NZPFU claims and false information to all and sundry.


Hato Hone St John Ambulance Officers who are members of First Union and the Ambulance Association (NZAA) have given notice of an intention to withdraw their labour on the 20th and 24th August.  The notice is for a four-hour strike from the 4am start of shift on the 20th August to be repeated on the 24th August.


FENZ acted swiftly upon the NZPFU notification yesterday that microphones had been enabled on the mobility tablets causing serious concern of possible unlawful surveillance and breaches of privacy.


The NZPFU has been informed by members that the microphones on mobility tablets have been activated.  The NZPFU has not been provided with any prior warning of the activation of this function or any lawful purpose for doing so.

Kiwisaver Employer Contributions

Members were notified on the 28th June that FENZ had self-reported to IRD its failure to pay the 3% compulsory contribution to employees who have complying Kiwisaver and other non-complying superannuation schemes such as FireSuper. The NZPFU were informed that 592 members were affected.

President's Blog: My last heads up

My time as President is coming to an end 31 July and it’s timely to reflect our successes of the past and our opportunities into the future.

Firstly, it has been an absolute honour to have been elected twice by you into the position of President and before that, Vice President. It has been a pleasure to represent you all and advocate and strive for better working conditions, better engagement, and representation across the organisation.

The NZPFU has provided all necessary information to FENZ for the reimbursement of the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums paid directly to the NZPFU insurance account between 1 July 2023 and 3 June 2024 (when FENZ commenced direct payment to Protect).  Members in the NZPFU Protect Income Protection scheme do not need to do anything further.  We are waiting for FENZ to confirm when the reimbursement will be made to the bank account you receive your wages.


The NZPFU and FENZ were supposed to be bargaining today and yesterday but spent the time negotiating terms of a Bargaining Process Agreement. The parties had met in mediation on Friday to try and settle the BPA and kept working on outstanding issues this week.

Last night at approximately 6pm the parties had worked through almost all issues. The Union recorded and read out to the parties the three issues of work that was to be done by FENZ overnight for completion today which was agreed by everyone in the room. FENZ did not state they had other issues to revisit.

Important updates for members on Code of Conduct, Kiwisaver deductions and overtime on public holidays remuneration, Bargaining and Annual General Meetings.

Due to the resignation of the Whangarei Local Vice President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


On Tuesday FENZ Workplace Relations Manager Michael Stevenson informed the NZPFU that FENZ had self-reported to IRD its failure to pay the 3% compulsory contribution to employees who have Kiwisaver and other non-complying superannuation scheme such as FireSuper. FENZ had been paying the employer contribution into FireSuper but not the compulsory contribution to the Kiwi Saver Account. We were informed 592 NZPFU members were affected and for all affected staff about $8-$10 million was owing over four years.

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 23 August 2024.

Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

The NZPFU membership extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of NZPFU Past President Gordon Duncan who passed away this morning.

Gordon's funeral will be held 11am Thursday 6th June at Kapiti Coast Funeral Home, 9 Hinemoa Street, Paraparaumu.

We again refer members to the NZPFU National Notice issued on the 30th October 2023 which is repeated below.

We have since had questions about FENZ lawyer’s seeking support for FENZ cases being litigated.

Members cannot be compelled to be a witness for FENZ or to support a FENZ in any litigation,  except in the unlikely event you are summonsed. If members receive a summons or are informed they will be summonsed,  members are advised to contact the NZPFU and we will ensure you have the appropriate legal advice. 


Without any discussion or consultation with the Union and the individuals concerned, FENZ has unilaterally decided to advertise VSO roles that FENZ characterises incumbent’s as secondees. There has been no discussion with the NZPFU as to the reason or purpose for the change, or the appointment process.

From 3 June 2024 FENZ will pay the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums direct for NZPFU members whose substantive positions are covered by the collective employment agreement. Protect rep (Gary Robb) is coming over to ensure FENZ is ready for the changeover. We are taking this opportunity to hold 3 information sessions; these can be joined in person or via Teams.

The NZPFU has initiated bargaining in accordance with the requirements of the Employment Relations Act 2020. The current collective agreement expires 30 June 2024 but remains in force.

Nominations are hereby called for a Northcom Union Member to be nominated and elected to the Auckland Local Committee, in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.  Only Northcom Union Members are eligible to stand and vote for this position and once a member is elected, Northcom members, in future elections, will only be able to vote for this position and not other Union Committee positions, although Northcom Members can stand and vote for President, Vice President and Secretary in the normal election cycle.

Loafers Lodge Anniversary and criminal trial update

The NZPFU has been in discussions with FENZ management to ensure our members are supported and appropriately assisted through the upcoming Loafers Lodge Anniversary and the criminal trial. Below are the issues we have discussed. If there are other issues members are facing or individual circumstances they can also be accommodated on a case by case basis. We are confident that FENZ is focused on the wellbeing of our members and to ensure our members are appropriately released and supported through the criminal trial.  

FENZ has finally agreed to update the list of positions able to access FireSuper membership to now include the CRR and RR Advisors/Senior Advisor positions.

Due to the recent resignation of the Rotorua Local President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


Nominations are called for:

The position of Union President

The position of Union Vice President


The NZPFU is urging members who participated in the 2023 Whanaungatanga Wellness Survey to make sure they participate in the follow-up survey which closes at 11.59pm tonight.

Due to the recent resignation of the Rotorua Local President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


FENZ is in the process of changing its complaint process to replace the BCO (Behaviour and Conduct Office). This is separate to the code of conduct that the NZPFU is challenging and will keep members updated.

FENZ has confirmed that the PCA allowance will be paid on 26 June 2024.

Last Friday (15th March 2024) NZPFU Tauranga and Kawerau Local Secretaries and Presidents and I met with National Commander Russell Woods, District Manager Jeff Maunder and Workplace Relations Senior Advisor Mike Todd in Tauranga.

Movember-funded Whanaungatanga Wellbeing Survey

The second of the Movember-funded wellbeing survey is well underway and due to be closed on 2 April 2024.

The NZPFU urges all members who participated in the March 2023 survey to participate in the March 2024 survey.

The Auckland Local has been working on behalf of members since mid-January to resolve the issue of legitimate travel time payments declined while attending training courses throughout Tāmaki Makaurau and at the Auckland Regional Training Centre.

Movember-funded Whanaungatanga Wellbeing Survey

The second of the Movember-funded wellbeing survey opens today.

The NZPFU urges all members who participated in the March 2023 survey to participate in the March 2024 survey.   

The Auckland Local Committee would like to remind Officers and Firefighters of the challenging work environment for our Comcen staff.

We refer Members to the 12th February 2024 notice where we notified members it was not in their interests to respond to the new Code of Conduct.


Members are advised that during a 5th alarm response in Auckland a serious near miss occurred while deploying lengths of 90mm Fireflex stainless banded hose from the hose layer. Lengths of the hose failed with the coupling coming off under pressure leaving the hose flailing about.

On Thursday afternoon FENZ verbally informed the NZPFU that a new code of conduct would be distributed organisation wide today for feedback. The NZPFU immediately objected on the basis that the  code of conduct sets out the standards on which disciplinary action including dismissal can be determined. The security of employment and income is one of the most basic and serious terms of employment for employees.  

As members will be aware, there have been significant delays and challenges in getting the appropriate systems in place or updated to accurately reflect the changes resulted from the collective bargaining settled in December 2022.

President's Blog: Heads up 26

It’s been a while since my last blog, and deliberately so as everyone is suffering some form of fatigue, whether it be working, struggling with payroll issues and post negotiation fatigue, I know it took a lot out of us all. I know I’m feeling it as the year came to an end and the new year starts.

Wishing you all a safe and relaxing festive season

At this time of year our thoughts are with our members who selflessly leave their families and friends to celebrate the season while they work to protect and serve the community. It is a reality of the job that our members are rostered on public holidays and weekends. We acknowledge and appreciate the families and friends who accept that reality and adapt celebrations and traditions to fit in with rosters.

Following a trial taken in Auckland Central District, and in the interest of providing Firefighters with consistent and quality post fire management, both Counties Manukau and Waitemata Districts have undertaken to rollout Post Fire Management Capability in their Districts. This resource has been funded locally at the request of the Auckland Local.

Loafers Lodge Affidavits

Post the Loafers Lodge fire the NZPFU organised a lawyer to assist members to draft affidavits that could be provided for any internal or external inquiry into the matter. It was obvious there would be coroners hearings, likely criminal charges and various inquiries including a FENZ review. We wanted to ensure our members could collate their information as soon as practicable to the event into an affidavit that could be presented in any inquiry or legal forum. We also wanted to mitigate the harm caused when having to repeatedly recall in detail involvement in traumatic events such as the Loafers Lodge fire.

Nominations are hereby called for the following position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Hamilton Local President, the following nomination has been received.

Various NZPFU members have been reporting receiving emails containing a “lawful directive” to participate in employment investigations.  The implication of the email is that those that refuse to participate may be subject to disciplinary action themselves for failing to comply with the “directive”.

Nominations are hereby called for the following position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

The Auckland Local Committee would like to remind Officers and Firefighters of the challenging work environment for our Comcen staff.

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Rotorua Local Vice President, the following nomination has been received.

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Hamilton Local Secretary, the following nomination has been received.

Nominations are hereby called for the following position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Nominations are hereby called for the following position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


The Report of the Whanaungatanga Wellbeing Survey is grim reading with nearly one in three career firefighters meeting the criteria for one or more mental ill health indicators and Communication Centre dispatchers reporting this highest rates of mental health issues when compared to other roles in the organisation. In addition to the exposures to trauma through emergency response, the survey found only 6.6% career firefighters felt supported by FENZ as an organisation.

Notice to Members

Following the tragedy of the Loafers lodge fire, it has been established that one of the challenges facing our Risk Reduction Teams is the ability to identify high-risk buildings that are providing transient accommodation within our communities.


Yesterday NZPFU members were emailed the links to the income protection insurance zoom meetings being held at 1300 and 1900 hours starting today and being held every day until and including Friday.

This notice is to inform you that the AGM for the Christchurch Local of the NZPFU, will be held on Thursday 10th August 2023 at Christchurch City Fire Station, starting at 0830. It would be appreciated if the on-duty City SSO could please co-ordinate any truck movements required.

The poll results for the elections of the Northern Branch President and Vice Presidents are below.

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Friday 18 August 2023.

With only 6 days to go until the election for the Northern Branch President and Vice-President ends, it has been brought to my attention that some members have had problems finding their secure voting link.

Income Protection Insurance for NZPFU Members

NZPFU Members are already joining the Protect Income Protection scheme prior to membership meetings being held in Auckland and Wellington this week and Christchurch and Dunedin next week.

In accordance with the settlement of the collective agreement the following payments will be made.

FENZ has confirmed that the PCA Allowance will be paid on 28 June 2023.


The Employment Court has agreed with the NZPFU position that firefighters should be paid 1.5 times the overtime rate for the hours worked on overtime on a public holiday. FENZ has only been paying 1.5 times the ordinary hourly rate resulting in firefighters working overtime on public holidays only being paid the same as those working their usual hours and not on overtime.

Following the close of nominations for the election of the Northern Branch positions of Branch Secretary, Branch President and Branch Vice President, I had received one nomination for Branch Secretary Position, and two nominations for the Branch President and three nominations for the Vice President positions.

Celebrating 40+ years of women career firefighters

The NZPFU is hosting an event to celebrate 40 plus years of women career firefighters with special  tributes to Anne Barry and Elizabeth England who were the first women career firefighters in New Zealand and the Commonwealth. Anne Barry battled for the right to transition from the communications call centre to career firefighting taking her case to the Human Rights Commission, the Equal Opportunities Commission and to Parliament before finally being accepted in 1981 on the career recruits course with Elizabeth England.

Loafers Lodge Remembrance Service

A Service of Remembrance for those that lost their lives or were impacted by the tragic Loafers Lodge fire will be held this Thursday.


Worksafe has issued FENZ with a notice requiring FENZ to review all Asbestos Management Plans (AMPs) to ensure they are implemented, monitored and effective.  The Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) refers to ALL AMPs which means it applies to all FENZ owned/leased/occupied/used buildings across the country.

Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary for the Northern Branch.

Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary for the Central Branch.

Nominations are called for the positions of President, Vice-President and Secretary for the Southern Branch.

Following the close of the ballot for the election of Rotorua Local President (see attached for details), I hereby declare: BLAIR TROTMAN duly elected.

Process for NZPFU members requested to be interviewed or involved in any internal or external inquiry into Loafers Lodge fire

The tragic fire at Loafers Lodge last Monday will result in various internal and external inquiries including police investigations, criminal charges, coronial inquiries and FENZ operational reviews and investigations.  NZPFU members want to ensure that the loved ones of the deceased get the answers they need.  It is important that the full picture is presented to the various inquiries, and that information is accurate and provided in context.


It was with a heavy heart that many of us woke this morning to the news of the tragic hostel accommodation fire in Wellington. We send our deepest sympathy to the loved ones of the deceased, those injured and those that survived unscathed but have lost their home and friends. We understand there was a sense of community in the Loafers Lodge hotel in Newtown and the impact will be felt by many.

Warnings by Firefighters and Rescue crews fall on deaf ears

Whilst Auckland and Northland firefighters, both career and volunteer, are facing yet another 1 in 100 year flood this year, it is apparent that climate change is here to stay. We need to ensure we adapt and remain vigilant to ensure that safety remains paramount for both the public of New Zealand and us as rescuers.

Christchurch City Station official opening today

More than 12 years after the tragic 22 February 2011 earthquake the 7th and last fire station re-build will be celebrated with the official opening of the Christchurch City Station.

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Rotorua Local President, the following nominations have been received.

The NZPFU is currently in discussions with two providers for income protection insurance for members. This process has taken far longer than we envisaged and much of the delay stems from the impact of extreme weather events on insurance companies. The NZPFU National Committee is committed to ensuring we have procured the most effective policy for members and is carefully considering either option.  We expect to be able to make an announcement shortly.

FENZ has confirmed the backpay for the NZPFU members covered by the collective employment agreement will be paid on 3 May 2023.  At the time of ratification it was indicated that the backpay would be paid in the first pay in May.

It is with great sadness that we inform members that NZPFU life member Jack Glassford (formally of the Gisborne Local) passed away after a short illness on Tuesday morning.

The type 3 acquisition project is entering stage 4 of the project which includes operational user evaluation of the appliances at selected fire stations. The trial will generate lots of interest. The suppliers are in competition and must have a level playing field. Any public comments could cause a supplier to take legal action resulting in considerable delay for the project.

Campaign for free dental care

Make Dental Care Free for All is an online petition calling on the Government to bring universal dental care into the public healthcare system to make it free for all.

Due to the recent resignation of the Rotorua Local President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.


There are various inquiries established to look into the recent extreme weather events and the response by FENZ including FENZ reviews, Worksafe investigations and Coroners inquests.


The NZPFU advises its members that it is NOT in their interests to attend the specialist water response force training commencing in Rotorua next Tuesday 28 March 2023. 

Firefighter Josh Darby and AUT’s Professor Grant Schofield chat with the NZPFU

Whanaungatanga Programme lead and career firefighter Josh Darby and AUT’s Professor Grant Schofield joined NZPFU National Secretary Wattie Watson to explain the need for and content of the survey, and the value a high response rate will mean for our members and possibly other first responders internationally.


The NZPFU supports the NZEI and PPTA industrial action calling on Government to address critical issues in the education section including lowering the teacher to child ratios, recognising the importance of quality teaching through more staff, better support and fair pay.


The Movember-funded Whanaungatanga Programme Wellbeing Survey will be sent to all professional career firefighters and comms centre dispatchers on Thursday 9 March 2023.


In a decision released in August 2022 the Employment Relations Authority determined that NZPFU members working overtime on a public holiday must be paid 1.5 times that overtime rate as that is the rate for the calculation of the relevant daily pay.

The past few weeks have been extraordinarily taxing on NZPFU members responding to relentless emergency calls and challenging events at home including loss of homes, personal belongings, massive clean-ups and the tragic loss of family members, friends and colleagues.


NZPFU members from around the country have been contacting the Union to offer support to members who have been responding through the recent natural disasters. We have been asked to ensure our members working and living in the devastation left by Cyclone Gabrielle to know they are being supported from afar and we are beginning to understand the incredible sacrifices they have made. Your comrades and colleagues have been watching in awe and sadness as the news of devastated communities was broadcast throughout the country. For those who cannot be with you in person – we are with you in spirit!


A devastated family and community are reeling with the death of the second volunteer firefighter caught in a landslide in Muriwai.


Yesterday afternoon the battle to locate a volunteer firefighter trapped under a landslide concluded with the recovery of his body at Muriwai.


For a decade FENZ (and its predecessor NZFS) has known the Tauranga Fire Station only has an 18% NBS earthquake rating with firefighters accommodated in the proximity of the most compromised structural wall. For years the NZPFU Local has been battling for progress and relocation while the station is strengthened to at least the required 67% NBS or demolished and built on a suitable site. There have been other investigations including a 2020 visual assessment of the cracks in the building but FENZ has yet to act on the various recommendations.

Today FENZ has released an amended People Re-set consultation document that does not address key issues the NZPFU has raised with FENZ.

New Minister of Internal Affairs

The Prime Minister today announced his new cabinet which includes a new Minister of Internal Affairs the Hon Barbara Edmonds.


The Auckland Local has been working hard to support our members that have been significantly affected by the weekend’s unprecedented storm and may well be facing more damage as the weather event persists this week.  We understand that the extent of the damage and the long-term implications will not be realised until all properties have been assessed. 

Tamaki Makaurau Flooding, State of Local Civil Defence Emergency

Last nights unprecedented weather event caused widespread havoc across the region with Fire and Emergency career and volunteer crews, operational support and 111 emergency dispatchers working to exhaustion, with all available FENZ resources at times being mobilised to incidents right across the region.


NZPFU members worked tirelessly throughout the night responding to the unprecedented flooding within the Auckland Region. More than 2000 calls slammed the emergency call centre dispatchers.  All fire crews were deployed preforming rescues from homes and vehicles hampered by the torrential rain and rising flood waters making some roads and motorways unpassable.

The NZPFU National Committee and relevant FENZ representatives met over two days this week to implement the new provisions and processes agreed in the new 2021-2024 FENZ NZPFU collective employment agreement.

Members are advised that it is not in your interest to participate in FENZ’s Understanding the Support Provided to our Volunteers survey.

Happy New Year! The last 18 months have been a mammoth effort by your national and local representatives and the membership. We hope everyone had some time off (even if only in between rostered hours) or has some time-off planned in the very near future to relax and unwind.

The Auckland Local wishes all members a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The Auckland Office will be closed from the afternoon of Friday 23 December 2022, reopening on Monday 9 January 2023.

On behalf of the Executive of the Northern Branch, we wish all members and their families a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.


The NZPFU has become aware of FENZ offering “free personality assessments” from one of their “Partners” who are reportedly “introducing new psychology tools to the market”. The invitation is actually to take place in research and be part of data collection.

All industrial action ceases

Due to the vote to ratify the collective agreement all current and proposed industrial action, including the omnibus of bans, now ceases from 0800 today.


In August we notified members that the Employment Relations Authority had determined that firefighters working overtime on a public holiday must be paid 1.5 times the overtime rate as the overtime rate is the relevant daily pay.

As you will be well aware by now, we have finally reached an agreed term of settlement in the negotiation for a new CEA. The NZPFU is recommending members accept it and ratify the settlement offer. The National Committee has completely wrung out the sponge for every possible drop of benefit to members, and it's now our turn to act.


Christmas cheer may have come a little earlier for NZPFU members with the NZPFU National Committee today releasing and recommending ratification of a proposed settlement with FENZ. After 18 gruelling months of negotiations and six months of industrial action including all NZPFU members walking off the job twice, the NZPFU members have just received the detail of the proposed settlement that the NZPFU recommends members’ accept.

Currently all formal documentation is on track to be finalised and signed off in time for these ratification meetings.  The NZPFU National office will send out the information on the proposed settlement to all members prior to Thursday so all members have the information at the same time and before the ratification meetings.

NZPFU ratification meeting schedule

The NZPFU National Committee is pleased to report that all formal documentation is on track to be finalised and signed off in time for ratification meetings to commence later this week. 

NZPFU cancels Monday's strike - Finalisation of settlement documentation underway

The NZPFU National Committee was satisfied this afternoon that the necessary agreements had been reached to cancel the strike scheduled for Monday 5 December 2022.  We appreciate the preparation Locals had made for the hour of action but are also pleased the strike will not be needed.

Monday's strike cancelled as NZPFU and FENZ to meet on Monday

Yesterday, members were advised that today’s (Friday) strike was cancelled as FENZ had provided a revised position on outstanding matters that demonstrated movement but not all matters for inclusion in the collective agreement were resolved.

NZPFU cancels tomorrow's (Friday) strike

The NZPFU has called off tomorrow’s strike (Friday 25 November) after receiving a revised position from FENZ late this afternoon. The omnibus of bans continues unaffected.

President's Blog: Heads up 24

While reflecting on what I wanted to write in this blog I was reminiscing on my experience on the ILDC. 


The parties made further progress at bargaining today but there is still funding to be arranged.


The NZPFU and Fire and Emergency have held two days of negotiations this week which has included an exchange of proposals and consideration of different modelling options that incorporated a proposed funding injection by Government.

NZPFU cancels tomorrows strike

The NZPFU and FENZ have been negotiating over the past two days and significant progress has been made but settlement is yet to be reached.

NZPFU FENZ Bargaining Update

The NZPFU and FENZ met today for bargaining and discussions are continuing.

By the closing date for nominations for the position of Taupo Local Vice President, the following nomination has been received.

Monday's strike action cancelled

The NZPFU’s one-hour stoppage from 11am to 12 noon on Monday the 7th November 2022 has been withdrawn.

The Auckland Local Committee thanks it’s members for the mahi put in during this long process of industrial action. 

NZPFU issues further strike notices

The NZPFU has issued further strike notices with the first strike for 21 November 2022 to ensure the Union has the ability to take further action if necessary.


NZPFU members are advised to continue their duties and are not to stop work at 11am. The omnibus bans remain in place.


For the past three days the NZPFU National Committee, Local Officials and representatives of training, comms centre and part 4 members have been hosted by the Whangarei Local for the 34th Annual Conference.

NZPFU FENZ Bargaining Update

Today the NZPFU and FENZ met for the first time since the release of the Graeme Colgan report.  The parties discussed the application of the recommendations and principles.

NZPFU supports Nurses' Union strike

Primary Health Care and Plunket nurses will be on strike tomorrow.  Strike rallies will be held in more than two dozen locations around the country from 10am until 2pm on Thursday, 27 October 2022.


Today the NZPFU issued four notices of 1-hour stoppages with the first to be held on Friday 4 November 2022.

The NZPFU and FENZ received Graeme Colgan’s final Report with recommendations for the way forward in collective agreement negotiations this afternoon.  The report was the result of a mediated facilitation process agreed with the Minister Jan Tinetti.


Members were notified yesterday that the facilitated mediation process is on track with the final report and recommendations due this afternoon. The final report will determine how and when it can be provided to members and publicised.

The facilitated mediation process is on track with Graeme Colgan intending to provide his final report and recommendations to FENZ and the NZPFU this Friday evening.

Last night Graeme Colgan provided his draft recommendations to the NZPFU and FENZ.  The parties have until 5pm on Wednesday to provide a response with the intention of the Final Recommendations being provided this Friday evening.

Nominations for the following position are hereby called in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Following the close of nominations for the election of Taupo Local Secretary, I had received one nomination. 

Please post this notice on union notice boards and make all members are aware that nominations are called, and the elections are overseen by the Returning Officer as set out below.

Due to the recent resignation of the Taupo Local Secretary, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

Attached please find a flyer from Temoana Biddle of the Ministry of Social Development which we would appreciate each Officer in Charge on duty printing out and putting on your station notice board or similar place for members’ attention.

FENZ appeals ERA Holidays Act decision

FENZ is challenging the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) determined that NZPFU members working overtime on a public holiday must be paid 1.5 times the overtime rate. 




The NZPFU has huge public support coming from all sectors of the community and beyond the shores of New Zealand.

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 31 August 2022.


Late this afternoon FENZ filed an urgent application in the Employment Relations Authority for facilitation. We can’t tell you anything about that application because they did not have the courtesy to copy us in or send it to us.  We will receive it from the ERA tomorrow.


Today the NZPFU gave notice of national one-hour strikes from 11am to noon on the 2nd and the 9th September 2022.


NZPFU members will be taking the historic action of walking off the job for an hour from 11am on Friday. This will be a complete work stoppage by NZPFU members nationally. FENZ has publicly stated they have contingencies in place but have not disclosed the detail of those contingencies.

President's Blog: Heads up 23

I don’t need to tell you that we are in the midst of a very difficult time in our careers. Life is so expensive and our wages are so low and the expectation of overtime is creating more pressure on our work and home lives.

At the conclusion of the triennial elections there were four vacant positions on the Wellington Local Committee. In accordance with a request from the Wellington Local, nominations were sought for the four remaining vacancies. As there are seven nominations for the four positions an election will be held.


The Employment Relations Authority has determined that firefighters working overtime on a public holiday must be paid 1.5 times the overtime rate as the overtime rate is the relevant daily pay.

NZPFU and FENZ in mediation this week

The NZPFU will continue to push for guaranteed staffing, proper processes for procuring and maintaining appliances and equipment and fair wages when the parties again meet in mediation this week.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rule B.15.11 the Taupo Local gives notice of the Taupo Local Annual General Meeting.


This afternoon the NZPFU issued the attached notices of escalated strike action.

Please be advised that the Rotorua Local will be holding its AGM on Monday 15th August @1630hrs in the Waiwherowhero room on Rotorua station.

Members are advised that pursuant to Union Rule B.15.11, notice is given for the Auckland Local Annual General Meeting to be held on Wednesday 31 August 2022.

With the Wellington Local Secretary and President positions being declared, there is now the Wellington Vice-President and remaining Local Committee positions vacant.

Please see attached the Returning Officer’s declarations for the Wellington Local Secretary and President positions.

Please see attached the Returning Officer’s declarations for the Christchurch Local President and Vice President elections, and the Timaru Local Secretary election.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rules, Palmerston North members are informed that as of the closing date the following nominations had been received for the positions of Palmerston North Local President, Vice-President, Secretary and Committee members.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rules, Masterton members are informed that as of the closing date the following nominations had been received for the positions of Masterton Local President, Vice-President, Secretary and Committee members.


Across New Zealand, FENZ is failing the community with failing trucks and equipment and dangerously low levels of career firefighters and 111 emergency call centre operators.

FENZ has confirmed that the PCA Allowance will be paid on 29 June 2022.

FENZ tries to gag volunteers from commenting on the NZPFU action

Instead of spending his energy getting around the mediation table to resolve the many critical issues, FENZ Deputy National Commander Brendan Nally has been sending out communications wide and far with thinly veiled threatening references to the code of conduct.

CEO Kerry Gregory via District Manager Maunder have requested all drivers of FENZ vehicles to supply their driver licence details to FENZ so that it can be “entered into the system”


NZPFU members commence strike action at 0001 hours on Monday 13 June as they fight for fair and reasonable wages and safe systems of work.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rules, Members are informed that an election for the Wellington Local Secretary and President positions shall be conducted by electronic voting.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rules, Rotorua members are informed that an election for the position of Rotorua Local Vice President will be held.

In accordance with the NZPFU Rules, Auckland members are informed that an election for the 10 positions of the Auckland Local Committee will be held.


Parnell firefighters watched their life saving aerial appliance leave Auckland for Hamilton today. The move comes after Hamilton's aerial went offline for servicing. Parnell firefighters have been left to crew a salvage truck. Just one heavy aerial remains to protect Auckland.


Tonight, Fire and Emergency NZ can roster only ONE Dispatcher for the entire South Island.

Brakes fail on another Christchurch fire truck

Redwood, Christchurch was left without their fire truck today after the truck's brakes failed. The 15 year old truck almost caught fire returning to station following a callout. The community was without a fire truck for 3 hours. A 24 year old vehicle has been commissioned to replace it.

Please see attached the Southern Branch Returning Officer’s declaration of nominees for the triennial Local Officials and Committee elections.


This workstation in Wellington should be staffed by a dispatcher. Instead it sits empty. FENZ never hired enough dispatchers.

Christchurch Firefighters put at risk

Christchurch firefighters were at risk responding in this truck for an unknown period of time as the brake air supply lines had been compromised by an undetected break of the drive shaft brackets. Christchurch City is now without this appliance.

Please see attached the Northern Branch Returning Officer’s declaration of nominees for the triennial Local Officials and Committee elections.

Please see attached the Central Branch Returning Officer’s declaration of nominees for the triennial Local Officials and Committee elections.



The NZPFU has notified FENZ of yet another incident with Flash Flood 500 Yellow 45 length hose failing.

FENZ declines TV interview

Learn how our career Firefighters and 111 Dispatchers are treated compared to their colleagues working at Fire HQ. National Secretary Wattie Watson appears on 1News Breakfast.

If you're not ready, the risk is always extreme

Christchurch City, Anzac, Hamilton City, Te Rapa, St Heliers, Otahuhu and Glen Eden stations are all dangerously short of crew today because FENZ failed to employ sufficient career Firefighters.


Parnell & Mt Roskill appliances, Auckland City's HAZMAT Command Unit, Hamilton City's second fire truck, Gisborne's second fire truck - all pulled from service due to lack of Firefighters. Otara, Te Rapa and Hamilton aerial - all dangerously short of Firefighters.


NZPFU Members turned out in droves across the country over the past three weeks with 99.3 percent of those that voted rejecting the FENZ offer.

NZPFU members vote overwhelming to reject FENZ's offer to settle the collective agreement and to take all proposed forms of strike action.