Members may be aware that the Local has raised a dispute around the way FENZ’s wants to transition Papakura Station to a Senior Station Officer Station.   This proposal would directly impact 10 personnel and indirectly impact over 120.

Due to the Northern Branch Secretary position becoming vacant as Martin Campbell has now been elected as National Vice President, nominations are hereby called for this position in accordance with the Rules of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union.

We refer members to the Notice to Members published on 28 January 2024 regarding Blood Screening Programme for NZPFU Members - Firefighters, Trainers and Fire Investigators.

Last week the NZPFU provided the advice received from our lawyer regarding the options FENZ has put to 592 members who have been contributing to complying Kiwisaver schemes as well as other non-complying compulsory schemes such as Fire Super.


The Bargaining Process Agreement (BPA) is supposed to set out agreements on how the parties will conduct the bargaining but FENZ refused to agree to include a clause that would prevent the harm FENZ caused in the last round through their anti-NZPFU membership tactics of sending offers, their analysis of NZPFU claims and false information to all and sundry.


Hato Hone St John Ambulance Officers who are members of First Union and the Ambulance Association (NZAA) have given notice of an intention to withdraw their labour on the 20th and 24th August.  The notice is for a four-hour strike from the 4am start of shift on the 20th August to be repeated on the 24th August.


FENZ acted swiftly upon the NZPFU notification yesterday that microphones had been enabled on the mobility tablets causing serious concern of possible unlawful surveillance and breaches of privacy.


The NZPFU has been informed by members that the microphones on mobility tablets have been activated.  The NZPFU has not been provided with any prior warning of the activation of this function or any lawful purpose for doing so.

Kiwisaver Employer Contributions

Members were notified on the 28th June that FENZ had self-reported to IRD its failure to pay the 3% compulsory contribution to employees who have complying Kiwisaver and other non-complying superannuation schemes such as FireSuper. The NZPFU were informed that 592 members were affected.

President's Blog: My last heads up

My time as President is coming to an end 31 July and it’s timely to reflect our successes of the past and our opportunities into the future.

Firstly, it has been an absolute honour to have been elected twice by you into the position of President and before that, Vice President. It has been a pleasure to represent you all and advocate and strive for better working conditions, better engagement, and representation across the organisation.

The NZPFU has provided all necessary information to FENZ for the reimbursement of the NZPFU Protect Income Protection Insurance premiums paid directly to the NZPFU insurance account between 1 July 2023 and 3 June 2024 (when FENZ commenced direct payment to Protect).  Members in the NZPFU Protect Income Protection scheme do not need to do anything further.  We are waiting for FENZ to confirm when the reimbursement will be made to the bank account you receive your wages.


The NZPFU and FENZ were supposed to be bargaining today and yesterday but spent the time negotiating terms of a Bargaining Process Agreement. The parties had met in mediation on Friday to try and settle the BPA and kept working on outstanding issues this week.

Last night at approximately 6pm the parties had worked through almost all issues. The Union recorded and read out to the parties the three issues of work that was to be done by FENZ overnight for completion today which was agreed by everyone in the room. FENZ did not state they had other issues to revisit.

Important updates for members on Code of Conduct, Kiwisaver deductions and overtime on public holidays remuneration, Bargaining and Annual General Meetings.